[10 points to properly moisturize your skin] Part 5 **Hydration**

Drinking plenty of water during the day will also help keep your skin moisturized. It is especially important to consciously hydrate during dry seasons or in dry environments.

Staying hydrated throughout the day is important for a healthy life. Below are some helpful topics on staying hydrated throughout the day.

  1. **The Need for Adequate Hydration:** Water is essential for bodily functions and metabolism. Drinking enough water helps maintain good health and beautiful skin.

  1. **INDIVIDUAL HYDRATION NEEDS DIFFER:** Everyone has different fluid needs depending on their physical activity, temperature, weight, etc. Tailor your hydration to your individual situation.

  1. **Use a portable water bottle:** Carrying a water bottle with you makes it easy to stay hydrated even during busy days. One with a leaflet or a heat retention function is also an option.

  1. **Hydration through food:** Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of water. By eating a balanced diet, you can get enough water through your food.

  1. **Use sports drinks in moderation:** When exercising or engaging in strenuous activities, a suitable sports drink may be used to replenish electrolytes, however, water is the best choice for normal daily life.

  1. **Be careful with coffee and tea:** Coffee and tea can also help you stay hydrated, but be careful not to consume too much as the caffeine has a diuretic effect.

  1. **Measures for dry environments:** In dry environments, moisture evaporates easily. It is important to drink plenty of water, especially in air-conditioned rooms.

  1. **Influence of physical condition or illness:** When you have a fever or are sick, you are more likely to lose fluids than usual. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids according to your physical condition and illness.

  1. **Timing of hydration:** It is a good idea to hydrate when you especially need it, such as after waking up, before and after meals, and before and after exercise.

  1. **Other options besides water:** However, fruit juice, unsweetened herbal tea, soft drinks, and vegetable juice are also good options for hydration, but be careful of the sugar content.

"Beautiful skin is a balance between the inside and the outside. Nutrition, exercise and love are the keys." - Nicholas Evans

May today be a wonderful day for you and your skin.

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